About the Division:
Purpose: The purpose of the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Nevada is to enhance paralegals’ participation in the administration of justice, professional responsibility and public service in cooperation with the State Bar of Nevada. We are the first statewide organization of working, attorney supervised paralegals in the state of Nevada.
Membership Open to Boyd Law Students
Chair | CluAynne M. Corwin | nevadabarparalegal@gmail.com | 702-229-2351 Vice Chair | Camay McClure Dunn | nevadabarparalegal@gmail.com | 702-229-2351 Secretary | Dorie Williams | nevadabarparalegal@gmail.com | 702-229-2351 Treasurer | Kelli Radnothy | nevadabarparalegal@gmail.com | 702-229-2351 Member at Large | Stephanie Larkin | nevadabarparalegal@gmail.com | 702-229-2351 Member at Large | Lynda Traves | nevadabarparalegal@gmail.com | 702-229-2351 Member at Large | Jennifer Moroch | nevadabarparalegal@gmail.com | 702-229-2351 Staff Liaison | Claudia Mason | claudiam@nvbar.org Board Liaison | Maggie Lambrose | maggie_lambrose@fd.org
Dues: Annual dues are $25