The State Bar of Nevada is committed to the health and wellbeing of its lawyers and has dedicated resources to assist lawyers, whether they are thriving or struggling. These services include:
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers: Confidential peer support for Nevada attorneys in need of support to get in – or stay – in recovery. Weekly closed door AA meetings held statewide.
Nevada Lawyer Assistance Program: Clinical services for attorneys suffering from abuse, addiction and/or mental health issues which may impair professional competence. Program is staffed by clinical professionals statewide and when sought voluntarily, the initial assessment is provided at no charge to the attorney.
Therapy Benefit: This member benefit offers therapist referrals. If an attorney wants assistance in dealing with a difficult life situation, such as divorce, depression, stress, the death of a loved one, a traumatic case or any other stressful incident/situation, he or she can request the name of a therapist by calling 1-866-828-0022. The first five sessions are provided at no charge. The inquiry and subsequent five sessions are completely confidential.
Calm App: Offered at no charge to Nevada attorneys, the Calm app provides a practical tool that you can use to improve your mental health, get better rest and increase resiliency.
Stress, Anxiety and Mindfulness Resources: Virtual support group for Nevada attorneys experiencing stress and anxiety, plus free mindfulness webinars.
Contact Kristine Kuzemka for more information. (All calls to the toll free number are confidential.)
Kristine Kuzemka
NLAP Director