Administrative Law
Featured Stories:
- Dealing with Dreaded Discipline
- Practicing Administrative Law Before a Municipality – What You Don’t Know Could End Your Case Before it Even Starts
- To Inspect or Get a Warrant? That is the Question.
- The Importance of the Administrative Procedure Act and the Hidden Dangers of Exemption
- Tips for Preparing Clients for Privileged and Professional Licensing Hearings
- Survey Results: Looking Past COVID-19
Regular Columns:
- Message from the President: Rising from the Pandemic, Let’s Strive to be Productive, Safe, and Equitable as We Re-Assemble Our Economy
- From the Editor’s Desk: Patty Walsh and Stephen F. Smith, Esq.
- Nevada Trailblazers: Meet Claudia Aguayo
- Bar Counsel Report: May 2021
- Pro Bono Honor Roll: May 2021
- Practice Pointers: Handle|Bar Incubator Program Takes Flight