Magazine Issues

Nevada Lawyer Magazine - September 2024 - Sports and Entertainment Law

September 2024

Sports and Entertainment Law Featured Stories: The State of Play on Name, Image, and Likeness Artificial Intelligence and Songwriting Special Visas Allow Foreign-Born Athletes to Compete in U.S. Artificial Intelligence in the Arena Meet Chip Seigel, Legal Goaltender for the Vegas Golden Knights Regular Columns: President’s Message: Lawyers and Culture – The Mirror Reflects Both […]

August 2024

Elder Law Featured Stories: Elder Neglect: Harmful to Society but no Actual Harm Required Combating Scams Across Northern Nevada: Sparks City Attorney’s Office Initiative Protecting Seniors Article for CLE Credit: Powers of Attorney in Elder Law Download the Quiz Corporate Transparency Act: Is it Constitutional? The Nevada Plan – Nevada’s Comprehensive Licensing Examination Section Pro […]

July 2024

Medical Malpractice Featured Stories: What is Medical Malpractice? The Nuanced Existence Between Ordinary and Professional Negligence Claims Using Federal Torts Claims Act to Help Veterans and Military Families Impacted by Medical Negligence A Case Study of Taylor v. Brill Murky Waters: Revisiting Statute of Limitations in Professional Negligence Actions in Nevada Article for CLE Credit: […]

June 2024

Rural Practice Featured Stories: The Far-Reaching Consequences of Nevada’s Legal Deserts Boyd Law School Working to Address Rural Legal Services Provider Shortage in Nevada Drafting Contracts for Rural Clients Standing With Nevada’s Farmworkers: Community Outreach and the Future of Justice Work Regular Columns: President’s Message: Rural Practice Offers Many Challenges, Rewards From the Editor’s Desk: […]
Nevada Lawyer: Mental Health and the Law

May 2024

Mental Health and the Law Featured Stories: Empowering Legal Minds: Navigating Stress and Achieving Well-Being in the Legal Profession How Do You Measure Up? Substance (Mis)Use Among Law Professionals Decriminalizing Mental Illness: Adapting the “Miami Model” to Nevada Article for CLE Credit: Mental Health Support for Attorneys Through the ADA Download the Quiz Regular Columns: […]
Cannabis Law in Nevada

April 2024

Cannabis Law Featured Stories: Black Market Cannabis: Nevada Tries a New Approach Wondering Where to Place Your Bets on Cannabis Rescheduling? Ad Hoc Rule? Department of Taxation Using METRC Rather Than Actual Sales Records to Assess WMT Tax in Audits Clearing the Air in Cannabis Consumption Lounges Are Nevada’s Cannabis Receiver Laws Unconstitutional? Article for […]

March 2024

Specialty Courts Featured Stories: Specialty Courts – A Catalyst for Positive Change Treatment Courts: A Road to Recovery A Collaborative Approach to Dependency Cases A Practical Guide to Getting Your Client Into Specialty Court Nevada’s New Approach to Adjudication of Water Law Cases Regular Columns: President’s Message: Saving Lives and Reshaping Futures – Nevada’s Specialty […]

February 2024

Tribal Law Featured Stories: Nevada Legal Services’s Indian Law Project: Serving Nevada’s Tribal Communities Nevada’s Tribal Courts: Applicable Laws, Court Rules, and Contact Information Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, and Lands Matter Indian Child Welfare Act: Upheld by U.S. Supreme Court and Enacted into State Law The New Law that Nobody is Talking About Regular Columns: President’s Message: […]
General Law Topics in Nevada

January 2024

General Topics in Nevada Law Featured Stories: New Year, New Laws: Now What? Money, Cameras, and Involuntary Discharge: Legislative Updates for Long-Term Care Updating Out-of-State Estate Plans in Nevada Changes to Nevada’s Residential Rooftop Solar Law Aims to Protect Consumers Keeping Our Porticos Accessible, Open, and Relevant Regular Columns: President’s Message: Civility: It’s Worth a […]