The Board of Continuing Legal Education is responsible for ensuring quality CLE programming offered within the State of Nevada. Providers of CLE programs are generally categorized as accredited or non-accredited.

Accredited Providers

  • Organizations who have demonstrated that their CLE programs consistently meet the standards for accreditation.
  • Courses are presumptively approved for credit.
  • Providers submit course notifications to the CLE Board and report attendance directly to the Board.

Non-Accredited Providers

  • Organizations that provide infrequent programs for credit in Nevada.
  • Attorneys seeking approval for courses not previously recognized for credit.
  • Providers file an application for credit for each program for which credit is sought.

Associated Fees

Accredited Providers Application Fee $500*
Annual Fee $500
Late fee for failure to pay annual fee within 30 days $100
Attendance fee for alternative format programs $3 per credit hour per attorney
Late submission of course information fee $50
Late submission of attendance reporting $50
Non-Accredited Providers Course approval Fee (Live courses)
0.5 – 2.5 credits $30
3.0 – 7.5 credits $50
8.0 – 20 credits $65
20+ credits $75
Late submission of course application $50
Late submission of attendance reporting $50
Attorneys Late submission for authorship credit application $50


* The Board of Continuing Legal Education may, upon application of a CLE provider, or on its own initiative, and within its sole discretion, waive the requirements for application as an Accredited Provider and fees. The basis for the waiver includes but is not limited to provider reputation for scholarship; content; content quality; and whether the provider is a non-profit or for-profit organization.