Admission Requirements:
Multi-State Professional Responsibility Exam
Nevada Supreme Court – Rulebook for Admissions (booklet)
Reciprocity / Admission by Motion
Non-ABA Law School Graduates – Functional Equivalency
Qualifications for Admittance:
The rules of the Nevada Supreme Court regarding admission to practice law require that all applicants must have the following qualifications according to Rule 51:
- Have attained the age of majority.
- Is present or is available to be present within the State of Nevada, and is able to remain so until examined as required by Rule 65, so as to permit and facilitate the examination, investigations, interviews and hearings necessary to determine the applicant’s morals, character, qualifications and fitness to practice law.
- Have received a juris doctorate degree, or an equivalent law degree, from a law school approved by the American Bar Association, and presents evidence of the same.
- Demonstrate that the applicant is of good moral character and is willing and able to abide by the high ethical standards required of attorneys and counselors at law.
- Not have been refused admission to practice law in any state or before any court or governmental agency of the United States on the ground of unfitness of character.
- Not have been disbarred from the practice of law in any state or before any court or governmental agency of the United States on the ground of unfitness of character.
- Not have exhibited any past or present conduct or behavior that could call into question the applicant’s ability to practice law in a competent, ethical and/or professional manner or which would render the applicant unfit to practice law.
- Not be an abuser of alcohol or prescription drugs, or a user of illegal drugs.
- Demonstrate financial responsibility.
- Be in full compliance with any court order, including without limitation, spousal or child support orders.
- Achieve a passing score on the state bar examination. **Nevada does not offer an attorney exam, reciprocity, or admissions by motion – All bar applicants must meet this requirement.**
Multi-State Professional Responsibility Exam:
Applicants will not be admitted to the State Bar of Nevada until they receive a passing score of 85 or better on the Multi-State Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE).
Pursuant to Supreme Court Rules 65.5 and 69, an applicant shall take and pass the MPRE with a scale score of at least 85 no earlier than three years preceding the year in which an applicant passes the Nevada bar examination and no later than three years after the year in which an applicant passes the Nevada bar examination.
The MPRE is administered three times a year by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (please click on the link below for more information on the MPRE). To register for the MPRE, candidates must create an NCBE Number account through the National Conference of Bar Examiners website and register online. Applicants may also request score services online. For more information on registering for the MPRE please contact the NCBE at (215)-504-3886.
Nevada Supreme Court – Rulebook for Admissions:
The Nevada Supreme Court – Rulebook for Admissions is a critical and helpful document for anyone wishing to apply for admission to the State Bar of Nevada. The document includes both rules regulating admission to the practice of law, as well as instructions regarding bar applications. The rulebook also contains Addendum 1, the Policies and Procedures of the Board of Bar Examiners. For all specialty admissions requirements, please view the amendment to the Nevada Supreme Court – Rulebook for Admissions for limited practice certification.
Reciprocity/Admission by Motion:
The Supreme Court of Nevada does provide limited practice rules including government or in-house counsel, student practice, and legal services. For more information on all special admissions, please view the Nevada Supreme Court – Rulebook for Admissions. For additional questions, please contact the Admissions Department at
Non-ABA Law School Graduates – Functional Equivalency:
Foreign-educated applicants, and other non-ABA law graduates, may seek a functional equivalency certification in order to apply to take the Nevada Bar Exam, required for admission.
To request certification, a prospective applicant must petition the Committee on Functional Equivalency in accordance with the provisions of Supreme Court Rule 51.5 and the policies and procedures of the Committee.
Functional Equivalency Application Process, petition checklist and Functional Equivalency Information Application Packet. All information is available in the complete text of Supreme Court Rule 51.5 and Addendum 2.
To be eligible to petition the Functional Equivalency Committee, a complete petition packet and filing fee must be received by the September 1st deadline of the year prior to the bar exam you wish to apply. Incomplete petitions will be rejected by the Committee. Petitions must meet the requirements outlined in pages 3-6 of the Functional Equivalency Information and Instructions.
For additional questions, please contact the Admissions Department at