On May 17, 2023, the Las Vegas Township Justice Court issued Administrative Order (AO) 23-04, establishing a Resort Corridor Court. The court consists of a single department that is assigned a docket of all criminal cases where the alleged offense was committed within the Resort Corridor. The Resort Corridor is identified as Metro Area Command […]
The 2023 Board of Governors elections concluded on May 11. The following candidates were elected to the Board of Governors and will be sworn in to begin their three-year terms at the state bar’s Annual Bar Conference, on June 23, 2023: District 1: Clark County Terry Coffing Andrew Craner Maggie Lambrose Will Sykes District 4: Washoe […]
The unofficial pass list for the February 2023 Nevada Bar Exam is now available for viewing.
The Criminal Jury Instructions Subcommittee of the Nevada Supreme Court’s Statewide Criminal Rules Committee has released a new publication of criminal jury instruction templates. Nevada Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions is available as a free download through the State Bar of Nevada’s online store. Years in the making, Nevada Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions has been compiled […]
The bar’s Board of Governors has been diligently working to address issues impacting the practice of law in Nevada. For example, we hear from members that lack of civility from their colleagues continues to affect attorney wellbeing. So, this past January, the board’s Civility Taskforce presented a formal Creed of Professionalism and Civility, which the […]
On November 8, 2022, Judges James T. Russell and James E. Wilson of the First Judicial District Court filed a petition in the Nevada Supreme Court seeking to amend the Rules of Practice for the First Judicial District Court. On April 24, 2023, the Court published an order in ADKT 0606 approving the proposed amendments […]
The Eighth Judicial District Court is seeking qualified candidates for Court Hearing Master/Commissioner position. This position will be assigned to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Discovery, and will be responsible for implementing various alternatives through which participants can pass in order to resolve civil disputes through means other than traditional costly, lengthy and protracted trials. […]
On March 30, 2023, the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection conducted interviews of 12 applicants for Department C in the Eighth Judicial District Court’s Family Division. After three rounds of balloting, the commission selected three names to submit to Governor Joe Lombardo. The following nominees in alphabetical order are: Robert Cerceo Gregory Gordon Adriana Rincon […]
On March 29, 2023, the Las Vegas Township Justice Court issued Administrative Order (AO) 23-03, which makes temporary alterations to that court’s Local Rule of Practice 7 related to Traffic Criminal Misdemeanor Citations and Civil Infractions Citations. The temporary alterations are necessary due to issues with the court’s Online Dispute Resolution System. Altered rules include: […]
The Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada consists of 15 members elected by the active members of the bar who are residents of Nevada and have their office address per SCR 79 in the respective districts. For the 2023 elections, the following positions are open for election: District One – Clark County: […]