On Thursday, April 1, 2021, the Las Vegas Township Justice Court issued Administrative Order 21-03, which updates court temporary court procedures in civil cases in order to comply with Governor’s Emergency Directives 036, 037, and 043. The order notes specific procedures relevant to qualifying unlawful detainer and summary eviction actions.

According to the order, the court will continue to maximize virtual court sessions by videoconference or phone appearances whenever possible. Meeting IDs are provided for all civil departments using BlueJeans videoconferencing, as follows:

  • Department 4 – 7026713368
  • Department 5 – 7026713381
  • Department 6 – 7026713392
  • Small Claims – 7026713478
  • Summary Evictions – 7026710809

Regarding unlawful detainer civil actions, the order states, “Plaintiffs whose order to show cause hearings and trials were vacated pursuant to Emergency Directive 036 must resubmit a new order to show cause or notice setting trial to the court after the period of the stay has been lifted or terminated. The court will not automatically reschedule these court proceedings.”

The order also notes that summary eviction actions in violation of Governor’s Emergency Directives 036 and 043 will be dismissed. In addition, the order states, “Summary eviction orders previously issued by the Court that are stayed pursuant to Emergency Directive 036 will expire and must be re-issued by the Court prior to re-posting the order. … Landlords will have thirty (30) days after the termination of Emergency Directive 036 to file a motion with the Court requesting the re-issuance of an eviction order with an affidavit or declaration under the penalty of perjury that states:

i. The same tenant is still occupying the premises; and

ii. That the Landlord has not accepted any funds from any source which would impact the Landlord’s right to proceed with a lockout.”

For more information, see Administrative Order 21-03.