
Members of the Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility will provide bar members with ethical considerations at the forefront of their work this year. This year’s program will include a variety of topics, including a review of discipline cases, a review of opinions from other jurisdictions, the latest in ABA opinions, a wellness offering, and more!

And if you join us live at the offices of the State Bar you will eligible to win one of several fantastic door prizes!

This CLE will be sponsored by ALPS.


12/06/2023 09:00:0012/06/2023 12:30:00America/Los_AngelesCLE: Ethics Year in Review 2024Members of the Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility will provide bar members with ethical considerations at the forefront of their work this year. This year's program will include a variety of topics, including a review of discipline cases, a review of opinions from other jurisdictions, the latest in ABA opinions, a wellness offering, and more! And if you join us live at the offices of the State Bar you will eligible to win one of several fantastic door prizes! This CLE will be sponsored by ALPS.Reno, NV
Event StartsEvent Ends
All Day Event


Live at the Offices of the State Bar (LV) and via Zoom

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