On February 11, 2025, Kristina Pickering and Lidia S. Stiglich, Justices of the Nevada Supreme Court and Co-Chairs of the Access to Justice Commission, petitioned the court in ADKT 0623 to amend Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 49.1(5) to exempt inactive attorneys serving through the Emeritus Attorney Pro Bono Program from the annual continuing legal education requirement.

Annual CLE requirements can be expensive and time consuming for those in inactive status and are unnecessary for attorneys serving through Nevada’s legal service provider pro bona programs as volunteers receive targeted training when needed on the type of case or matter they elect to handle, including oversight by a legal aid attorney. The proposed rule, as amended, is set forth in Exhibit A of the petition.

The Nevada Supreme Court will conduct a hearing to discussed the proposed rule change on March 5, 2025, at 1 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom at 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom at 408 East Clark Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada.

The court invites written comments and requests to participate from the bench, bar, and public regarding the proposed amendment by 5 p.m. on February 28, 2025. Comments and participation requests may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court at 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or nvscclerk@nvcourts.nv.gov.