Nevada Supreme Court Rule Changes (ADKTs)

ADKT 0622: On September 24, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed a petition in the Nevada Supreme Court seeking to amend Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 49.1 to expand the limited practice currently granted to attorneys admitted to the practice of law in another jurisdiction and employed by the State Public Defender or rural county equivalent, to include attorneys who are employed by private firms contracted to provide public defense services in counties with populations under 100,000 persons. On October 9, 2024, the Court issued an order  adopting the  proposed amendments to SCR 49.1 as set forth in Exhibit A to the order, effective 30 days from the date of the order.

ADKT 0464: On July 8, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed a petition with the Nevada Supreme Court providing a list of prospective mentors who have been determined by the State Bar to meet the requirements of the Transitioning Into Practice (TIP) Program, established in 2014 to mentor newly-admitted attorneys. On October 9, 2024, the Court issued an order appointing the following individual as a mentor in the TIP Program: Jonathan Carlson.

ADKT 0568: The Nevada Supreme Court will conduct a public hearing to consider whether a critical labor shortage exists within the Marshal’s Office of the Nevada Supreme Court on November 7, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom in Las Vegas. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the courtroom in Carson City. Written comments are invited from the public regarding this matter. Comments may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or via email at by 5:00 p.m., October 31, 2024. Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than October 31, 2024.

ADKT 0621: On July 25, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Commission to Study Judicial Branch Security to study and make recommendations regarding information gathering and sharing, training security officers and judicial officers, identifying and categorizing threats, responding to threats and violence, courthouse security, and interfacing with other branches of government. Given the nature of the Commission’s work, it will necessarily review documents that reveal sensitive information. On October 4, 2024, the Court issued an order granting authority to the Commission’s Chair to seal or deem confidential any sensitive materials the Chair deems appropriate.

ADKT 0622: On September 24, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to amend Supreme Court Rule 49.l(l)(e) regarding the rural county equivalent of the State Public Defender. The State Bar petitioned the Court to expand the limited practice currently granted to attorneys admitted to the practice of law in another jurisdiction and employed by the State Public Defender or the rural county equivalent, to include attorneys who are employed by private firms contracted to provide public defense services in counties with populations under 100,000 persons. The proposed amendment would allow limited practice for attorneys admitted to the practice of law in another jurisdiction employed by a private firm solely for the purposes of providing public defender services in rural counties. This update is offered as one solution to the shortage of attorneys practicing in Nevada’s rural counties, especially in the area of public defense. The proposed rule, as amended, is set forth in Exhibit A to the petition.

ADKT 0619: On April 22, 2024, Patricia Lee, Associate Justice, Nevada Supreme Court, on behalf of the Family Law Subcommittee of the Judicial Council of the State of Nevada (JCSN), petitioned the Court to adopt and implement the use of informal family trials in pre-judgment and post-judgment family law proceedings and to adopt proposed Rules Governing Informal Family Law Trials. The Court solicited public comment on the petition and a public hearing was held in this matter on August 1, 2024.  The Court concluded that adoption of a pilot program implementing informal family trials in pre-judgment and post­judgment family law proceedings is warranted and that the proposed Rules Governing Informal Family Law Trials are appropriate and shall be adopted as District Court Rule 27 included in Exhibit A to the order and effective on November 19, 2024, expiring on November 19, 2025, unless further extended by the Court. The JCSN is expected to file a report with the Court no later than November 19, 2025, detailing feedback from the district courts participating in the pilot program regarding successes, concerns, and issues related to the pilot program.

ADKT 0126: On September 19, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued orders appointing the following attorneys to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicants’ qualifications and fitness to serve as arbitrators: Marc C. Naron, Joel S. Hengstler, and Tracee Duthie-McNeely. Because the requisite orientation and training mandated by NAR 7(C) is offered infrequently by the State Bar of Nevada, these individuals may nonetheless serve as arbitrators and be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators, but they must successfully complete the next available arbitrator training offered by the State Bar of Nevada in order to remain on the panel of arbitrators.

Additionally, Alan W. Westbrook was appointed to the active panel of arbitrators after meeting the qualifications and fitness to serve requirements which included the mandated orientation and training offered by the State Bar.

ADKT 0536: On May 14, 2024, a petition to amend the Local Rules of Practice for the Justice Court of Pahrump Township was filed with the Nevada Supreme Court. As the proposed amendments were in proper form and suitable for publication, the Court issued an order on September 6, 2024, publishing the amendments as set forth in Exhibit A to the order and effective 60 days from the date of the order.

ADKT 0620: On July 1, 2024, a petition to adopt Rules for Civil Infractions for Justice and Municipal Courts was filed with the Nevada Supreme Court. As the proposed rules were in proper form and suitable for publication, the Court issued an order on September 6, 2024, publishing the proposed rules as set forth in Exhibit A to the order and effective 60 days from the date of the order.

ADKT 0607: On January 24, 2023, Ann Zimmerman, Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Township Justice Court, on behalf of the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction (NJLJ), filed a petition in the Nevada Supreme Court seeking to amend the Nevada Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure (JCRCP). On May 12, 2023, the Court issued an order repealing and replacing the JCRCP with an effective date of July 12, 2023. Subsequently, the NJLJ filed a motion to extend the effective date for 90 days. On October 10, 2023, the NJLJ requested a stay of the effective date of the previously approved amendments and filed a petition seeking amendments to the JCRCP in addition to those approved in the Court’s May 12, 2023 order. The Court solicited public comment regarding the petition, and on August 30, 2024, the Court issued an order vacating the May 12, 2023 order and repealing and replacing the JCRCP to read as set forth in Exhibit A, effective 60 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0171: On August 5, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order reappointing John Shook, Uri L. Clinton, the Hon. Richard Glasson (ret.), and Yolanda Carapia as members of the Character and Fitness Committee for a three-year term expiring on September 30, 2027. Christi Dupont and Shirley Blazich were also appointed as members of the Character and Fitness Committee for a three-year term expiring on September 30, 2027.  Additionally, the Hon. Tierra Jones was reappointed as a member of the Board of Bar Examiners to a three-year term expiring on September 30, 2027.

ADKT 0386: On June 10, 2005, the Nevada Supreme Court entered an order creating the Bench-Bar Committee to assist in the Court’s review and consideration of rule changes, evaluation of court processes and internal operating procedures, and development of outreach programs to educate the bar and public regarding the court and its work, practices, and procedures. Currently, the Appellate Section of  the  State  Bar  of  Nevada  has  been  active  in communicating with the Court regarding appellate practice and procedures. Meetings are scheduled regularly with the Appellate Section to exchange information, concerns, and recommendations regarding appellate practice. Continuing with the Bench-Bar Committee would be duplicative of the efforts accomplished by routine meetings and programs with the Appellate Section; therefore, the Court issued an order on August 5, 2024 to close the Bench-Bar Committee. The Court further ordered that Supreme Court Rule 14, which governs the Bench-Bar Committee, is repealed as set forth in Exhibit A, effective immediately.

ADKT 0464: On August 5, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing the following individuals to serve as mentors to newly-admitted attorneys through the Transitioning Into Practice (TIP) Program: Lisa Anderson, Christine Brady, and Ashley Hanks.

ADKT 0479: The Nevada Supreme Court issued an order on August 5, 2024 reappointing the following individuals as members of the Board of Trustees of the Nevada Bar Foundation for two-year terms commencing immediately, and expiring June 30, 2026: Mary Chapman, Michael Morton, Will Sykes, and  Dave Zerhusen.

AKDT 0537: On January 14, 2019, the Nevada Supreme Court amended Supreme Court Rule 15, thereby modifying the composition of the Commission on Access to Justice. On August 5, 2024, the individuals listed on Exhibit A to this order were appointed to the Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice, effective immediately.

ADKT 0595: On March 24, 2022, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Committee to Study the Rules Governing Alternative Dispute Resolution and Nevada Short Trials to consider and make recommendations for comprehensive amendments to the Rules. The Committee filed a report of its findings and recommendations on September 14, 2022, and the Court amended the Rules on October 26, 2022, followed by an order correcting the amended Rules on June 26, 2024. As the Committee’s work is now completed, the Court issued an order closing the Committee on August 5, 2024.

ADKT 0621: On July 25, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court, in response to a petition from Chief Justice Elissa Cadish, issued an order creating a Commission to Study Judicial Branch Security to study and make recommendations regarding information gathering and sharing, training security officers and judicial officers, identifying and categorizing threats, responding to threats and violence, courthouse security, and interfacing with other branches of government. Associate Justice Linda Bell was appointed to chair the commission; Chief Marshal James Wright was appointed vice chair. A list of other members is included in Exhibit A of the order.

ADKT 0507: On July 15, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order replacing judges Egan Walker and Linda Marquis as co-chairs of the Permanent Guardianship Commission due to their resignation. The new co-chairs are Denise Gentile and Tamatha Schreinert.

ADKT 0594: The Nevada bar examination is currently comprised of a multistate multiple choice exam (MBE) constructed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) and essay questions and performance tests created by the Nevada Board of Bar Examiners. The NCBE has adopted the NextGen bar examination beginning in July 2026, which will preclude Nevada from continuing the current format for the Nevada bar examination. The NextGen examination will include multiple choice questions, integrated question sets, and performance tests in one all-inclusive format. Further information regarding the NextGen bar examination can be found at

On March 9, 2022, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Commission to Study the Administration of the Bar Examination and Licensing of Attorneys (Commission) to study issues and concerns arising from the methodology and administration of the bar examination and licensing procedures for attorneys practicing in Nevada. Subsequently, at the Commission’s request, the Court appointed the Foundational Subject Requirement and Performance Test Implementation Task Force to develop plans for multiple choice and performance tests and the Supervised Practice Task Force to consider whether supervised practice should be a requirement for licensure.  The Task Forces filed a joint report on April 2, 2024, in which they recommended restructuring the Nevada bar examination to include the following three-component assessment: (1) a 100-question, closed-book, multiple-choice examination testing foundational concepts drawn from the seven subjects currently tested on the MBE; (2) a performance examination consisting of three two-hour performance tests similar to those on the current Nevada bar examination; and (3) a supervised practice component that ensures candidates possess lawyering competencies that are difficult to measure on written exams. The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) would remain a requirement for licensure. After completing 42 credits of their Juris Doctor curriculum, candidates would be able to take the multiple choice examination. Candidates would be able to satisfy the supervised practice component after qualifying for a level two student license (or equivalent in other jurisdictions). The performance examination would be administered after graduation. The Task Forces’ report can be found on the Court’s website at

On July 5, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court entered an order inviting public comment in this matter until August 8, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. The time to file comments from the bench, bar, and public has been extended until August 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Comments may be submitted to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701. Comments may be submitted to the Court in hard-copy format or electronically to

ADKT 0620: On July 1, 2024, the Hon. Natalie Tyrrell, Judge, North Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 2, and President of the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction, petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to consider the establishment of the Nevada Rules for Civil Traffic Infractions in the justice and municipal courts of Nevada. The proposed rules, set forth in Exhibit A to the order, establish court rules for the treatment of civil traffic infractions pursuant to the passage of AB 116 and clarify the procedures to be followed in Nevada justice and municipal courts for those that receive a civil infraction and/or those who appear in court on a civil infraction.

ADKT 0595: On March 24, 2022, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Committee to Study the Rules Governing Alternate Dispute Resolution and Nevada Short Trial Rules. On September 14, 2022, the Committee filed its report, including proposed amendments to the Alternate Dispute Resolution and Nevada Short Trial Rules. The Court approved the amendments on October 26, 2022. The Committee subsequently requested that certain errors be corrected in the Rules approved in the Court’s October 26, 2022 order, and the Court amended the Rules as set forth in Exhibit A to the order. A clean copy of the Rules is attached as Exhibit B. These amendments to the Rules are effective 30 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0615: On December 5, 2023, Katherine Stocks, Director and State Court Administrator for the Administrative Office of the Courts, filed a petition with the Nevada Supreme Court seeking to repeal and replace the Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules.  The Court solicited public comment on the petition, and a public hearing was held in this matter on February 7, 2024. On June 26, 2024, the Court issued an order repealing and replacing the Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules as set forth in Exhibit A to this order and effective 30 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0580: On May 19, 2021, the Nevada Supreme Court established the Commission on the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure (NRAP) to undertake the first comprehensive review of the NRAP since their adoption effective July 1, 1973, and make recommendations for revisions as appropriate. The Commission consisted of Justice Kristina Pickering, then-Justice Abbi Silver, Judge Bonnie A. Bulla, Judge Deborah Westbrook, Chief Judge Michael Gibbons, and Attorneys Sally Bassett, Alexander Chen, Sharon Dickinson, Kelly Dove, Micah S. Echols, Robert L. Eisenberg, Dayvid Figler, Charlie Finlayson, Travis Gerber, Adam Hosmer-Renner, Phaedra Kalicki, Debbie Leonard, Emily McFarling, Erica C. Medley, Julie Ollom, John Petty, Daniel F. Polsenberg, Steve M. Silva, Abraham Smith, Jordan Smith, Don Springmeyer, David Stanton, JoNell Thomas, Jessica E. Whelan, and J. Colby Williams. The Court acknowledges and thanks the NRAP Commission members for their dedication, time, and effort to comprehensively review and revise the NRAP.

On January 29, 2024, the Commission co-chairs, Justice Kristina Pickering of the Nevada Supreme Court, and Judge Bonnie A. Bulla and Judge Deborah Westbrook of the Nevada Court of Appeals filed a petition appending the draft amendments the Commission recommended. The Court solicited written public comment and held a public hearing on March 7, 2024 in this matter. The Court concluded that the rule changes are warranted and on June 7, 2024 issued an order amending the  Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. The amended rules are effective prospectively on August 15, 2024, as to all pending cases and cases initiated after that date.  The Court further ordered that these amended rules shall control when conflicts arise between these amended rules and any other court rules. Time frames accruing before the effective date of these amended rules shall be calculated using the existing, unamended rules. Time frames accruing on or after the effective date of these amended rules shall be calculated under these amended rules. For the benefit of the bench and the bar and to facilitate the transition from the existing rules to the new rules, attached to the order as Exhibit A is a redline of the revised NRAP against the existing NRAP. A clean copy of the revised NRAP is attached as Exhibit B.

ADKT 0616: On January 22, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed a petition seeking to amend Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 49.1(7)(a) relating to the practice of attorneys not admitted to Nevada. The Court solicited public comment on the petition and a public hearing was held in this matter on February 22, 2024. On June 7, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court ordered that the proposed amendments to SCR 49.1(7)(a) be adopted and read as set forth in Exhibit A to the order. The amendments are effective 30 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0619: On April 22, 2024, Patricia Lee, Associate Justice, Nevada Supreme Court, on behalf of the Family Law Sub-Committee of the Judicial Council of the State of Nevada (JCSN), filed a petition to adopt and implement the use of informal family trials in pre-judgment and post­judgment family law proceedings. A public hearing will be conducted on the petition on August 1, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom in Carson City. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the courtroom in Las Vegas. Written comments regarding the petition are invited and may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or via email at by 5:00 p.m., July 22, 2024. Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than July 22, 2024.

ADKT 0618: On February 20, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed a petition seeking to amend Supreme Court Rule (SCR 42) relating to the practice of attorneys not admitted to Nevada. This petition sought to improve access to justice in sensitive matters involving the ICWA and to harmonize the general pro hac vice application process. The principle six proposed changes waive fees for pro hac vice admissions in Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) 25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963 (1988) cases and remove the phrase “or other attorney members of the firm with which the applicant is associated” from subparagraph (4)(g) to achieve consistency with previous changes to (3)(b)(1)(i). The Nevada Supreme Court solicited public comment on the petition and a public hearing was held on March 21, 2024. On May 29, 2024, the Court ordered that the proposed amendments to SCR 42 be adopted and read as set forth in Exhibit A to the order. The amendments are effective 30 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0617: On May 22, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court appointed Marcie Ryba as a member of the Committee to Study and Update SCR 250, established February 9, 2024, to replace Thomas Qualls, effective immediately.

ADKT 0536: The Hon. Kirk Vitto and Hon. Michele Fiore, Justices of the Peace for the Pahrump Township, submitted amendments to their Rules of Practice for the Pahrump Township Justice Court, specifically to rules 2, 6, 8, 10-13, 16. 19, 22, 25, 28, 30, 33-35, 39-41, and 51. The rules of practice are necessary to provide a standard procedure regarding specific issues so that the court is complying with the requirements of the Nevada Revised Statutes. The petitioners request that the Nevada Supreme Court approve the amendments to the rules as set forth in Exhibit A to this petition.

ADKT 186: On May 13, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order pertaining to courtroom and courthouse security. The order states that all persons entering the Supreme Court Buildings in Carson City and Las Vegas or any place where the Supreme Court of Nevada, or any of its justices, are conducting judicial proceedings, are subject to appropriate screening and checking by officers assigned to duty in the Supreme Court. The order prohibits recording, filming, or photography in the courtroom during any judicial or administrative proceeding unless previously authorized by the Supreme Court Clerk. Additionally, recording, filming, or photography is prohibited in the secure areas of the Supreme Court Buildings without prior approval from the Chief Justice. All those entering the Supreme Court Buildings shall be disarmed, except where (1) the person is a law enforcement officer assigned to duty in the Supreme Court; (2) the person is guarding incarcerated persons in the Supreme Court; (3) prior approval has been obtained from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (4) or the person is an appellate justice or judge permitted to carry a concealed firearm. Any person who refuses to surrender custody of weapons when requested to do so shall be denied entrance.

ADKT 0464: On April 29, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed a petition with the Nevada Supreme Court providing a list of prospective mentors who have been determined by the State Bar to meet the requirements of the Transitioning Into Practice (TIP) Program, established in 2014, and are willing to mentor newly-admitted attorneys. On May 13, 2024, the Court issued an order appointing the following individuals as mentors in the TIP Program: Erin Gettel and Nathanael Rulis.

ADKT 0612: On October 23, 2023, the Hon. Jerry Wiese, Chief Judge, and the Hon. Jacqueline M. Bluth, Judge, of the Eighth Judicial District Court, filed a petition in the Nevada Supreme Court seeking to amend the Rules of Practice for the Eighth Judicial District Court. On April 26, 2024, the Court issued an order adopting the proposed amendments as set forth in Exhibit A of the order. The amendments are effective 60 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0619: On April 22, 2024, Patricia Lee, Associate Justice, Nevada Supreme Court, on behalf of the Family Law Sub-Committee of the Judicial Council of the State of Nevada (JCSN), petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to adopt and implement the use of informal family trials in pre­judgment and post-judgment family law proceedings. The proposed Informal Family Law Trial program is a voluntary, opt-in program applicable to both pre-judgment and post­judgment proceedings brought pursuant to NRS 125, 125C, or 126. The proposed Rules Governing Informal Family Law Trials are set forth in Exhibit A to the order. Exhibit B is a sample brochure explaining the program with a side by-side comparison of the features of a traditional trial. Exhibit C includes the Family Court Trial Process Selection form.

ADKT 0537: On January 14, 2019, the Nevada Supreme Court amended Supreme Court Rule 15, thereby modifying the composition of the Commission on Access to Justice. On April 12, 2024, the Court issued an order appointing Alexander Cherup  to the Commission effective immediately.

ADKT 0244: Pursuant to the recommendations of the Settlement Judge Core Committee, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order on April 8, 2024 appointing James Whitmire, III, as a settlement judge to an initial term ending December 31, 2025.

ADKT 0617: On February 9, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Committee to Study and Update Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 250. In addition to Co-Chairs Justice Linda Marie Bell and Justice Douglas Herndon, the individuals listed in Exhibit A of this order are appointed to the Committee to Study and Update SCR 250, effective immediately.

ADKT 0537: On March 25, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing Justice Lidia S. Stiglich as co-chair of the Access to Justice Commission in place of Chief Justice Elissa F. Cadish and serving along with co-chair Justice Kristina Pickering. The appointment is effective immediately.

ADKT 0435: On March 22, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order reappointing Linda Linton to a two-year term as a mediator for the Foreclosure Mediation Program effective March 21, 2024.

ADKT 0580: In reviewing the written comments submitted in advance of the public hearing on proposed amendments to the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure scheduled for March 7, 2024, it appears that some of the submissions copied the working text of the rule(s) on which they offered edits that were logged in the website page [ media/media/folders/committees and commissions/map /documents/recommended rules by the commission]. The webpage did not include the final updates to the draft rules that the Commission approved before the January 29, 2024 petition was filed. The webpage has been updated so that the text of each rule listed there matches the text of the final draft that was attached and submitted to the January 29, 2024 petition. A list of the webpage rules whose text has been updated to match the final draft is attached to the Court’s order issued on March 4, 2024. In addition, language that was approved by the Commission to be added as the last sentence of Rule 16(g)(l) was not included in either the clean or redline version of the final draft for Rule 16. And the last sentence in the current version of Rule 36(c)(3) was omitted from the redline version of Rule 36.  The correct versions of these Rules are attached to the Court’s order issued on March 4, 2024 and the webpage has been updated to include the correct versions of these Rules.

ADKT 0126: On February 23, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing attorney Kurtis J. Millington to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications and fitness to serve as an arbitrator. Because the requisite orientation and training mandated by NAR 7(C) is offered infrequently by the State Bar of Nevada, this individual may nonetheless serve as an arbitrator and be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators, but he must successfully complete the next available arbitrator training offered by the State Bar of Nevada in order to remain on the panel of arbitrators.

ADKT 0614: On November 9, 2023, the Hon. James T. Russell and Hon. James E. Wilson Jr., Judges of the First Judicial District Court, petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to approve proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice for the First Judicial District Court (FJDCR 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 Arbitration and Mediation).  The First Judicial District has adopted the Nevada Arbitration Rules as provided in Nevada Arbitration Rule 1, which provide in part, “Judicial Districts having a lesser population may adopt local rules implementing all or part of the program.” Effective January 1, 2023, the Court amended the Rules Governing Alternative Dispute Resolution pursuant to ADKT 0595. The First Judicial District proposed adopting the amendments except for specifically excluding “NAR 2o(a) (2) Any claim or defense not raised by a party through presentation of expert opinion or other competent evidence at the arbitration hearing will be waived at the trial de novo.” The Court issued an order on February 23, 2024 adopting the amendments as set forth in Exhibit A to the order. The amendments shall be effective 60 days from the date of the order.

ADKT 0607: On January 24, 2023, Ann Zimmerman, Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Township Justice Court, on behalf of the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction (NJLJ), filed a petition in the Nevada Supreme Court seeking to amend the Nevada Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure (NJCRCP). The Court issued an order on May 12, 2023, amending the NJCRCP. On October 10, 2023, Victor Lee Miller, Justice of the Peace, Boulder City Township Justice Court, filed an amended petition on behalf of the NJLJ seeking to further amend the NJCRCP. The Court stayed the effective date of the amendments to the NJCRCP as set forth in the Court’s order dated May 12, 2023, pending review of the amended petition. The Court invites written comment from the bench, bar, and public regarding the proposed amendments as set forth in the NJLJ’s October 10, 2023, amended petition. Comments may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or by 5:00 p.m., March 12, 2024.

ADKT 0269: In October 2007, the Judicial Council of the State of Nevada (JCSN) approved an interim committee to study revisions to the standardized protection order forms for domestic violence cases in all courts in the State of Nevada. During the intervening years, the Court approved various standardized protection order forms related to domestic violence cases and victims of stalking and harassment recommended by the Committee. The Hon. Lidia S. Stiglich, Supreme Court Justice, filed a petition in this Court on May 19, 2020, seeking adoption of standardized protection order forms for mandatory use, which were adopted on June 4, 2020 and became effective on November 1, 2020. The Hon. Dixie Grossman, Judge, Second Judicial District, filed a request to use a truncated version of the form entitled “Application For Protection Order Against Domestic Violence,” adopted by the Court in its June 4, 2020 order, as part of a Second Judicial District pilot program designed to expedite processing of protection order applications in accordance with NRS 33.020(9) (requiring a court in a county with a population of 52,000 or more, be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to receive telephonic communications and issue temporary orders pursuant to the statute). The pilot program is expected to begin on February 16, 2024. On February 12, 2024, the Court issued an order granting this request and approved the proposed shortened “Application For Protection Order Against Domestic Violence” form as set forth in Exhibit A to this order. The form’s use is authorized during the duration of the pilot program, for a period not to exceed 60 days.

ADKT 0126: On February 9, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing attorney Shane D. Cox to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications and fitness to serve as an arbitrator. The applicant has completed the arbitrator orientation training and will be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators. The Court also issued an order appointing Danielle Holt to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation of the applicant’s qualifications to serve; however, she has not completed the arbitrator orientation training. Because the requisite orientation and training mandated by NAR 7(C) is offered infrequently by the State Bar of Nevada, this individual may nonetheless serve as an arbitrator and be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators, but she must successfully complete the next available arbitrator training offered by the State Bar of Nevada in order to remain on the panel of arbitrators.

ADKT 0464: On January 19, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed a petition with the Nevada Supreme Court providing a list of prospective mentors who have been determined by the State Bar to meet the requirements of the Transitioning Into Practice (TIP) Program and are willing to mentor newly-admitted attorneys. On February 9, 2024, the Court issued an order appointing the following individuals as mentors in the TIP Program: Athar Haseebullah, Timothy Kuhls, Genevieve Romand.

ADKT 0617: On January 25, 2024, Linda Marie Bell, Associate Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court, filed a petition seeking to create a Committee to Study and Update Supreme Court Rule 250 relating to procedures in capital cases. The Court concluded that such a committee should be created and conduct all hearings in public and post all meeting minutes and documents considered by the committee on the Court’s website. The Court issued an order on February 9, 2024 appointing Associate Justices Douglas Herndon and Linda Marie Bell as co-chairs of the committee. The Committee shall file a report with the Court of its findings and recommendations no later than August 1, 2024.

ADKT 0580: On January 29, 2024, Justice Kristina Pickering, Associate Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court, and Bonnie A. Bulla and Deborah Westbrook, Judges of the Nevada Court of Appeals, filed a petition to amend the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. A public hearing will be conducted on the proposed rules on March 7, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom in Carson City. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the courtroom in Las Vegas. Written comments regarding the proposed amendments are invited and may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or via email at by 5:00 p.m., February 29, 2024. Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than February 29, 2024.

ADKT 0581: On December 22, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court adopted the recommendations of the Commission to Study Best Practices for Virtual Advocacy in Nevada’s Courts. On January 29, 2024, the Court issued an order to correct Exhibit A to the order and directed the clerk of the Court to modify Exhibit A by deleting “A-D” after the word “Exhibits” in the first sentence under the heading “REMOTE/VIRTUAL HEARING PROCEDURES” and replace that phrase with “B-E.” The amended sentence will now read: “In accordance with court rules, should any party wish to deviate from the presumptively in-person hearing format, as outlined in the attached “Presumptive Appearance Case Type” lists (Exhibits B-E), please refer to the following procedures to request accommodations from the Court.”

ADKT 0616: On January 22, 2024, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed a petition to amend Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 49.1(7)(a) to eliminate the two-year cap on attorneys practicing law in rural district attorney and rural state public defender offices pursuant to limited practice certifications issued under SCR 49. l(l)(d), (e). The proposed amendment would eliminate the two-year cap on attorneys practicing in these offices, mirroring the uncapped timeframe for those providing pro bono legal services under SCR 49.1 and is offered as one solution to the shortage of attorneys practicing in Nevada’s rural counties. The proposed rule, as amended, is set forth in Exhibit A of the petition. A public hearing on the report will be conducted on February 22, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom in Las Vegas. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the courtroom in Carson City. Written comments regarding the proposed amendments are invited and may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to: Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or via email at by 5:00 p.m., February 15, 2024. Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than February 15, 2024.

ADKT 0126: On January 5, 2024, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing Gilberto Manzano to the non-lawyer attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications and fitness to serve as an arbitrator. The applicant has completed the arbitrator orientation and training program mandated by NAR 7 (C) and will be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators after being sworn or affirmed as provided in NAR 7 and submitting his oath to the arbitration commissioner for the judicial district where he will serve as an arbitrator.

ADKT 0615: On December 5, 2023, Katherine Stocks, Director and State Court Administrator of the Courts, filed a petition seeking to repeal the current Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules (NEFCR) and replace them with the proposed rules as set forth in Exhibit A to the petition. A public hearing on the proposed rules will be conducted on February 7, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court courtroom in Las Vegas. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the courtroom in Carson City. Written comments regarding the proposed amendments are invited and may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or via email at by 5:00 p.m., January 24, 2024. Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than January 24, 2024.

ADKT 0479: On December 22, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing Michael B. Hix as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Nevada Bar Foundation for a two-year term commencing January 1, 2024, and concluding January 1, 2026.

ADKT 0244: At the recommendation of the Settlement Judge Core Committee, on December 22, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order reappointing the following settlement judges to 3-year terms beginning January 2, 2024: Jonathan L. Andrews; John Walter Boyer; Gabreille Jeanne Carr; Patrick N. Chapin; Margaret M. Crowley; Stephen E. Haberfeld; James Kohl; Debbie Leonard; Lansford W. Levitt; Melissa Mangiaracina; Ara H. Shirinian; Janet Trost; Laurie A.  Yott; and Jay Young.

ADKT 0126: On December 22, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing Samantha Martin to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications to serve. Because the requisite orientation and training mandated by NAR 7(C) is offered infrequently by the State Bar of Nevada, this individual may nonetheless serve as an arbitrator and be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators after being sworn or affirmed as provided in NAR 7 and submitting her oath to the arbitration commissioner for the judicial district where she will serve as an arbitrator. She must successfully complete the next available arbitrator training offered by the State Bar of Nevada in order to remain on the panel of arbitrators.

ADKT 0581: On August 13, 2021, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Commission to Study Best Practices for Virtual Advocacy in Nevada’s Courts to evaluate applicable rules to govern the unified use of remote technology in Nevada’s general and limited jurisdictions and to consider possible rule changes necessary for handling criminal, civil, and family courts. On November 9, 2023, Douglas W. Herndon, Patricia Lee, and Ron D. Parraguirre, Justices of the Nevada Supreme Court and Co-­Chairs of the Commission, filed a final report and recommendations of the Commission. A public hearing was held on December 5, 2023 and the Court concluded that adoption of the Commission’s recommendations was appropriate. On December 22, 2023, the Court ordered that the Commission’s recommendations be adopted as follows: The Preamble for Rules of Virtual Advocacy and Remote Virtual Hearing Procedures as set forth in Exhibit A; Presumptive Appearance Case Types for Civil Cases in District Courts as set forth in Exhibit B; Presumptive Appearance Case Types for Criminal Cases in District Courts as set forth in Exhibit C; Presumptive Appearance Case Types for Family Cases in District Courts as set forth in Exhibit D; and Presumptive Appearance Case Types for Limited Jurisdiction Courts as set forth in Exhibit E. The Commission’s recommendations shall be effective February 1, 2024. The Court shall set a public hearing no less than six months after the effective date of the Commission’s recommendations to solicit public comment on the implementation and use of the recommendations in Nevada courts.

ADKT 0613: On November 9, 2023, Douglas W. Herndon, Ron D. Parraguirre, and Patricia Lee, Justices of the Nevada Supreme Court and co-chairpersons of the Commission to Study Best Practices for Virtual Advocacy in Nevada’s Courts, filed a petition to amend Supreme Court Rules (SCR) Part IX-B (A), Rules Governing Appearance by Telephonic Transmission Equipment for Civil and Family Court Proceedings Rule 4. A public hearing was held on December 5, 2023 and the Court concluded that the amendments were warranted. On December 22, 2023, the Court ordered that the proposed amendments be adopted as set forth in Exhibit A of the order and shall be effective 30 days from the date of the order.

ADKT 0445: On August 3, 2023, Elissa F. Cadish, Associate Chief Justice, and Kristina Pickering, Associate Justice, of the Nevada Supreme Court filed a petition seeking to amend Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct (NRPC) 1.8(e), which prohibits lawyers from providing financial support to clients in connection with pending or contemplated litigation, with limited exceptions. A public hearing was held on this matter on October 2, 2023, and the Court concluded that the amendments were warranted. On December 13, 2023, the Court ordered that the proposed amendments be adopted as set forth in Exhibit A of the order and shall be effective 30 days from the date of the order.

ADKT 0615: On December 5, 2023, Katherine Stocks, Director and State Court Administrator for the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to consider the amendment of the Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules. The petitioner asserts that the amendment is necessary to further the Court’s Strategic Plan through providing greater access to Nevada courts by enabling the implementation of a statewide, AOC-sponsored electronic filing system; allow for the implementation of a modern e-file system by repealing and replacing the existing rules to conform with the advancements made in technology since the inception of the rules in 2007; provide improved uniform guidelines for electronic filing of documents in Nevada courts; and retain flexibility for courts with existing e-file systems. Accordingly, the petitioner requests that the Court place this matter on its administrative docket to consider the repeal and replacement of the Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules as set forth in Exhibit A of the petition.

ADKT 0435: On November 22, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order reappointing Husna Alikhan to a two-year term on the panel of mediators in the Foreclosure Mediation Program, effective November 20, 2023.

ADKT 0537: On January 14, 2019, the Nevada Supreme Court amended Supreme Court Rule 15, thereby modifying the composition of the Commission on Access to Justice. On November 22, 2023, the Court issued an order appointing the individuals listed on Exhibit A of the order to the Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice, effective immediately.

ADKT 0435: On November 9, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing the following individuals to two-year terms on the panel of mediators in the Foreclosure Mediation Program pursuant to FMR 3(5)(a): Shirley Blazich. These individuals may begin to accept cases effective November 1, 2023. The following individuals were reappointed for two-year terms as mediators for the Foreclosure Mediation Program effective November 1, 2023 and may continue to accept cases: Kathleen Bergquist, Carolyn Broussard, Mariya Donato, Robert Flummerfelt, Gayle Holderer, Janice Jacovino, Paul Lamboley, Nita Lee-Huber, Donald Lowrey, David Merrill, Michael Royal, Madelyn Shipman, Yan “Tina” Zhang.

ADKT 0608: On September 26, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court entered an order amending Supreme Court Rules 99 through 122. On October 10, 2023, the State Bar of Nevada submitted a letter to this Court requesting correction to amendments made to SCR 106.5. Specifically, the State Bar indicates that the proposed amendments to SCR 106.5 included in its petition filed on February 10, 2023, erroneously deleted references to the Nevada Lawyer Assistance Program and that its intent was to leave SCR 106.5 unchanged from the existing rule. Accordingly, SCR 106.5 shall read as set forth in Exhibit A to this order. The amendments to SCR 99 through 122, as corrected by this order, remain effective as of October 26, 2023.

ADKT 0612: The Hon. Jerry A. Wiese, Chief Judge of the Eighth Judicial District Court, and the Hon. Jacqueline M. Bluth, Chairperson of the Rules Committee of the Eighth Judicial District Court, petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to adopt the proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice for the Eighth Judicial District Court set forth in Exhibits A-F. The Eighth Judicial District Court solicited its judicial officers for rule amendment proposals and volunteers to serve on the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee included judicial officers from each division of the Eighth Judicial District Court and it received proposals from several judicial officers, judicial staff, and court employees. Certain rule proposals were also presented to the relevant bar sections for comments. Ultimately, the proposed amendments were approved by the Eighth Judicial District Court judges at an all-judges meeting on June 14, 2023. Each of the attached Exhibits contains the grounds for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of certain rules with red lined versions of the proposed new or amended rules. On October 23, 2023, a petition was filed with the Court to approve the proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice for the Eighth Judicial District Court as set forth in Exhibits A-F.

ADKT 0611: On August 3, 2023, Elissa F. Cadish, Associate Chief Justice, of the Nevada Supreme Court and Co-Chair of the Access to Justice Commission, filed a petition to adopt Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 49.5 to allow limited practice of law under the supervision of organized legal services programs by law school graduates who have not yet passed the Nevada bar examination for a limited time while attempting to pass the bar examination. A public hearing was held in this matter on October 2, 2023. On October 19, 2023, the Court issued an order adopting SCR 49.5 as set forth in Exhibit A. SCR 49.5 shall be effective 30 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0571: On April 28, 2021, the Nevada Supreme Court entered an order adopting standardized forms related to the protection of children from abuse and neglect. The order directed the use of the standardized forms to become mandatory in all child abuse and neglect cases in Nevada on January 1, 2022. Due to staffing and training challenges within the Clark County District Attorney’s Office, two additional extensions were granted, extending the effective date for the mandatory use of the standardized forms to June 1, 2023. On September 12, 2023, the Hon. David S. Gibson, Jr., Eighth Judicial District Court, Family Division, and the Clark County District Attorney’s Office submitted a letter indicating that they are prepared to implement the mandatory use of the standardized forms on October 16, 2023. By order of the Court on October 12, 2023, the effective date of the mandatory use of the standardized forms in the Eighth Judicial District Court was extended to October 16, 2023.

ADKT 0607: The Nevada Supreme Court previously approved a body of rules known as the Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure. The Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction determined that extensive amendments to the existing body of rules are necessary to align with the corresponding Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure (NCRP) and petitioned the Court for the amendments on January 24, 2023. On May 12, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court entered an order amending the Nevada Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure with an effective date of July 11, 2023. On July 11, 2023, the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction requested a 90-day extension of the effective date of the amendments, which was granted. On October 10, 2023, the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction filed an amended petition and requested the Court stay the effective date of the amendments approved in the Court’s May 12, 2023 order pending the Court’s review and decision regarding the amended petition, which was granted. On October 10, 2023, the Court issued an order staying the effective date of the amendments to the Nevada Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure until further order of the court.

ADKT 0126: On October 5, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing attorney Leon F. Mead to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications and fitness to serve as an arbitrator. Because the requisite orientation and training sessions mandated by NAR 7(C) are offered infrequently by the State Bar of Nevada, this individual may nonetheless serve as an arbitrator and be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators after being sworn or affirmed as provided in NAR 7 and submitting his oath to the arbitration commissioner for the judicial district where he will serve as an arbitrator. He must successfully complete the next available arbitrator training offered by the State Bar of Nevada in order to remain on the panel of arbitrators.

ADKT 0435: On October 5, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing the following individuals to two-year terms on the panel of mediators in the Foreclosure Mediation Program pursuant to FMR 3(5)(a): Alisa Koot, David Neely III, Cortney Young, Carol Barkes, Scott Brand, Mandy Heward, Jessica Roberts, Helena Grossberg, and Larry Hankins. These individuals may begin to accept cases effective September 25, 2023. The following individuals were reappointed for two-year terms as mediators for the Foreclosure Mediation Program effective September 25, 2023 and may continue to accept cases: Anthony Arrington, James R. Cox, Andrew Craner, David Eisenberg, Louise Gormley, William Huggins, Cuthbert Mack, Christine Roberts and Terry Johnson.

ADKT 0464: On September 20, 2023, and September 29, 2023, the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Nevada filed petitions with the Nevada Supreme Court providing a list of prospective mentors who have been determined by the State Bar to meet the requirements of the Transitioning Into Practice (TIP) Program, established in 2014, and are willing to mentor newly-admitted attorneys. On October 5, 2023, the Court issued an order appointing the following individuals as mentors in the TIP Program: Cody Mounteer, Chelsea Sanford, Joseph Goodnight, Katherine Currie-Diamond, Lauren Landa, Robert Cottle, Michael Esposito, Heather Procter, Africa Sanchez, Matthew Smith, and Natalie Winslow.

ADKT 0608:  On February 10, 2023, the State Bar of Nevada’s Board of Governors filed a petition in the Nevada Supreme Court seeking to amend Supreme Court Rules (SCR) 99 through 122 related to attorney misconduct. The Court solicited public comment on the petition and a public hearing was held in this matter on March 21, 2023. On September 26, 2023, the Court issued an order amending SCR Rules 99-122 and the proposed amendments were adopted as set forth in Exhibit A.  The amendments to SCR 99 through 122 shall be effective 30 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0464: On February 11, 2014, the Supreme Court of Nevada entered an Order Amending Supreme Court Rule 98, 121.1 and 214, wherein the Transitioning into Practice (TIP) Program was permanently established.  The TIP Standing Committee and the State Bar of Nevada’s Board of Governors (BOG) have approved the mentor applicants listed below who are members in good standing and who have met the criteria to serve. On September 20, 2023, the BOG filed a petition with the Court for appointment of the following TIP mentors: Cody Mounteer, Chelsea Sanford, Joseph Goodnight, Katherine Currie-Diamond, and Lauren Landa. Further, on September 29, 2023, the BOG filed a petition for appointment of the following additional TIP mentors: Robert Cottle, Michael Esposito, Heather Procter, Africa Sanchez, Matthew Smith, and Natalie Winslow.

ADKT 0611: Marcie Ryba, Director of the State of Nevada Department of Indigent Defense Services, submitted proposed amendments to the Proposed Supreme Court Rule 49.5 attached as Exhibit A to the original Petition. The Access to Justice Commission voted to support these proposed amendments so long as the amendments do not prevent approval of its original submission. Associate Chief Justice Elissa Cadish, Co-­Chair of the Access to Justice Commission, submitted the amended proposed Supreme Court Rule 49.5, attached as Exhibit A, on September 15, 2023, for consideration at the public hearing currently scheduled for October 2, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. in the Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom, 408 East Clark Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, with videoconferencing to the courtroom in Carson City.

ADKT 0445: On August 3, 2023, Elissa F. Cadish, Associate Chief Justice, and Kristina Pickering, Associate Justice, of the Nevada Supreme Court filed a petition seeking to amend Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct (NRPC) 1.8(e), which prohibits lawyers from providing financial support to clients in connection with pending or contemplated litigation, with limited exceptions. A public hearing will be conducted on the report on October 2, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. in the Supreme Court courtroom in Las Vegas. The hearing will be videoconferenced to the courtroom in Carson City. Written comments regarding the proposed amendments are invited and may be submitted electronically or in hard-copy format to Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 or via email at by 5:00 p.m., September 25, 2023. Persons interested in participating in the hearing must notify the Clerk no later than September 25, 2023.

ADKT 0126: On August 10, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing attorney Eunice Beattie to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications and fitness to serve as an arbitrator. The applicant has completed the arbitrator orientation and training program mandated by NAR 7 (C) and will be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators after being sworn or affirmed as provided in NAR 7 and submitting her oath to the arbitration commissioner for the judicial district where she will serve as an arbitrator.

ADKT 0537: On January 14, 2019, the Nevada Supreme Court amended SCR 15, thereby modifying the composition of the Commission on Access to Justice. Elissa F. Cadish, Associate Chief Justice, and Kristina Pickering, Associate Justice, are co-chairs of the Commission. The individuals listed on Exhibit A of this order either have terms that have expired or are recommended to replace members whose terms have expired. On August 10, 2023, the Court issued an order reappointing/appointing these individuals to the Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice, effective immediately.

ADKT 0581: On August 13, 2021, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Commission to Study Best Practices for Virtual Advocacy in Nevada’s Courts to evaluate applicable rules to govern the unified use of remote technology in Nevada’s general and limited jurisdiction courts and consider possible rule changes necessary for handling criminal, civil, and family courts. On July 27, 2023, the Court appointed Jonathan Norman to the Commission effective immediately.

ADKT 0607: On May 12, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court entered an order amending the Nevada Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure with an effective date of July 11, 2023. The Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction has requested that the effective date of the amendments be deferred for 90 days. On July 11, 2023, the Court ordered that the amendments to the Nevada Justice Court Rules of Civil Procedure as set forth in the Court’s order dated May 12, 2023 be effective 90 days from the date of this order.

ADKT 0576: The Nevada Supreme Court filed an order creating the Commission to Study the Adjudication of Water Law Cases on March 9, 2021. On December 27, 2022, Chief Justice Hardesty filed a report of the Commission’s recommendations relating to the judicial review process of water law cases. A public hearing was held in this matter on March 21, 2023. The Court concluded that adoption of proposed rules related to specialized education and appointment of district court judges and the Commission’s recommendations on the judicial education curriculum requirements for certification as a specialty water law judge is warranted. On July 7, 2023, the Court ordered the adoption of proposed rules related to specialized education and appointment of district court judges as specialty water law judges as set forth in Exhibit A and the Commission’s recommendations on the judicial education curriculum requirements for certification as specialty water law judges as set forth in Exhibit B.

ADKT 0581: On August 13, 2021, the Nevada Supreme Court created the Commission to Study Best Practices for Virtual Advocacy in Nevada’s Courts to evaluate applicable rules to govern the unified use of remote technology in Nevada’s general and limited jurisdiction courts and consider possible rule changes necessary for handling criminal, civil, and family courts. On July 6, 2023, the Court issued an order appointing Justice Ron D. Parraguirre as co-chair of the Commission. Further, the Court appointed Evelyn Grosenick, Washoe County Public Defender, to replace John Arrascada as a member of the Commission.  The Commission’s deadline to file its report to the Court on its findings and recommendations is extended to October 31, 2023.

ADKT 0576: On March 30, 2021, the Nevada Supreme Court appointed then Chief Justice James W. Hardesty as Chair of the Commission to Study the Adjudication of Water Law Cases. As Justice Hardesty has since retired, the Court issued an order on June 29, 2023 appointing Justice Ron D. Parraguirre as Chair of the Commission effective immediately. Further, the Court appointed Melissa Flatley, Chief Administrative Law Judge, Hearing Section, Division of Water Resources, to the Commission to replace Micheline Fairbank.

ADKT 0491: On January 23, 2015, the Nevada Supreme Court established the Commission on Statewide Rules of Criminal Procedure. On April 17, 2019, the Commission filed its first interim report and recommendations followed by its final report and recommendations on October 15, 2020. Based on the Commissions’ work, the Court adopted statewide rules of criminal procedure on December 29, 2020. The Jury Instructions Work Group of the Commission completed its charge on February 1, 2023 with the adoption of the statewide rules and the submission of the Nevada Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions to the State Bar. On June 14, 2023, the Court issued an order closing the Commission and the Jury Instructions Work Group.

ADKT 0126: On June 8, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing attorney Janice J. Parker to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications and fitness to serve as an arbitrator. The applicant has completed the arbitrator orientation and training program mandated by NAR 7 (C) and will be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators after being sworn or affirmed as provided in NAR 7 and submitting her oath to the arbitration commissioner for the judicial district where she will serve as an arbitrator.

ADKT 0126: On June 8, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court issued an order appointing attorney Janice E. Jacovino to the attorney panel of arbitrators after an investigation by the State Bar of Nevada of the applicant’s qualifications and fitness to serve as an arbitrator. The applicant has completed the arbitrator orientation and training program mandated by NAR 7 (C) and will be included in a list of active members of the panel of arbitrators after being sworn or affirmed as provided in NAR 7 and submitting her oath to the arbitration commissioner for the judicial district where she will serve as an arbitrator.


Rule changes will be kept on this site for at least six months after effective date.

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