The Nevada Supreme Court has issued the following orders regarding public hearings to be conducted on Tuesday, June 7, 2022:

  • ADKT 0479: At 1:30 p.m. on the hearing date, the court will discuss proposed changes to Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 216 regarding interest-bearing trust accounts (IOLTA).
  • ADKT 0596: At 2 p.m. on the hearing date, the court will discuss a petition from Katherine Stocks, director and state court administrator for the Administrative Office of the Courts, proposing amendments to Nevada Supreme Court Rule 44 governing the appearance of persons on their own behalf. The petition proposes amendments related to court staff.
  • ADKT 0542: At 2 p.m. on the hearing date, the court will discuss whether a critical labor shortage exists within the Marshal Division of the Las Vegas Justice Court.

The hearings will take place in the Nevada Supreme Court courtroom in Las Vegas, and will be videoconferenced  to the courtroom in Carson City. Persons interested in participating in the hearing or submitting written comments must contact the clerk. Written comments are invited and must be submitted to Elizabeth A. Brown, Clerk of the Supreme Court, 201 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701. Comments and requests to participate may also be submitted via email to Please view the individual ADKTs for comment deadlines.