On January 14, 2022, the Eighth Judicial District Court issued Administrative Order (AO) 22-03, which reassigns cases for civil and criminal courts.

According to the order:

  • Departments 6 and 9 will continue to have a criminal assignment; however, one third of the open and one third of the closed non-homicide criminal cases in the outlying criminal track will be randomly reassigned to Department 10.
  • All non-homicide criminal cases currently being heard in Department 10 will be reassigned to Department 11.
  • Department 11 will replace Department 10 in Track 3 of the Criminal Case Flow Model. Forty percent of all civil cases currently assigned to this department will be randomly reassigned to all other civil departments in proportion to the currently established caseloads for each department. The remaining 60 percent of all civil cases will remain in Department 11.

For more information, see the Eighth Judicial District Court blog post regarding AO 22-03.