State Bar of Nevada – Character and Fitness Information Request

Admissions Character and Fitness information request form for law schools and references.

Applicant Name:(Required)

Do you know the applicant?(Required)

Would you recommend the applicant for a position of trust?(Required)
Is the applicant honest?(Required)
Is the applicant thorough in fulfilling obligations?(Required)

To your knowledge, has the applicant ever been:

If your answer to any is yes, provide a short summary of details in the space below.
Suspended, expelled, asked to resign or otherwise disciplined by any educational institution?(Required)
A party to legal or administrative proceedings?(Required)
Charged with, arrested for, convicted of traffic/criminal offense?(Required)
Accused of a violation of trust?(Required)
Denied admission to the Bar of any other state?(Required)
Excessive in the use of alcohol within the past ten years?(Required)
Involved with use of, or used illegal drugs within the past ten years?(Required)
Addicted to or dependent upon the use of prescription drugs within the past ten years?
Had any event or circumstances relating to his/her past or present conduct or behavior which call into question his/her ability to practice law in a competent, ethical and/or professional manner or renders him/her unfit to practice law in the State of Nevada?(Required)
Delinquent in any financial obligations?(Required)

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    Please redact sensitive information (e.g. SSN, DOB, etc.) prior to upload.

    Type N/A in box if application IS provided.

    Please provide your information below

