
Public Hearing Scheduled to Discuss Proposed Changes to Attorney Misconduct Rules

On February 15, 2023, the Nevada Supreme Court received a petition, filed under ADKT 608, from the State Bar of Nevada’s Board of Governors seeking to amend the Supreme Court Rules (SCRs) related to attorney misconduct. The proposed changes can be viewed in detail in Exhibit A attached to the petition. A public hearing will […]

Eighth Judicial District Court Establishes Committee to Examine Minor Guardianship Cases

On Feb. 22, 2023, the Eighth Judicial District Court issued Administrative Order (AO) 23-02, which establishes a court-led special committee to evaluate minor guardianship case types. According to the order, the committee’s goal is to “provide the most efficient service and access to justice to those involved with minor guardianship cases.” The order appoints Judge […]

Judicial Commission Makes Nominations for Department 7 Vacancy

The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection forwarded the names of three nominees to Governor Joe Lombardo for appointment to fill the judicial vacancy in the Eighth Judicial District Court, Dept. 7. The commission will convene to interview 23 more applicants for vacancies in Departments 29, C, N, and O. Department 7’s seat was made vacant […]

Civil Bench Bar-Bar Meeting Set for February 14

The next Civil Bench-Bar Meeting will be held at noon on Tuesday, February 14, via Zoom. For the Zoom link, please RSVP to Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos is hosting the Zoom conference.

Second Judicial District Court Establishes Competency Court

On January 3, the Second Judicial District Court (SJDC) released Administrative Order 2023-02 pertaining to establishing a competency court and implementing procedures for the court. Judge Egan Walker, Department 7, is appointed to serve as the presiding judge in the SJDC Competency Court. All initial civil competency matters filed in SJDC arising before bind over […]

Klitzke Assumes Duties as Washoe County Public Administrator

On January 3, the Second Judicial District Court released Administrative Order 2023-01 pertaining to the issuance of amended letters in probate proceedings in which the Washoe County Public Administrator is appointed. Effective January 3, any letter of special administration, letters of administration, or letters testamentary issued in the name of Donald L. Cavallo, or any […]

Eighth Judicial District Court Orders Department Reassignments

On Jan. 31, 2023, the Eighth Judicial District Court issued Administrative Order (AO) 23-01, which reassigns case types in civil, criminal, and family court. According to the order: All “summary eviction” appeals pursuant to NRS 40.380 currently assigned to Department 19 shall be reassigned to Department 14. Veterans’ Treatment Court, is reassigned to Department 23 […]

Several Justice Courts Issue Joint Order re: Release on Own Recognizance

On January 26, 2023, several Nevada justice courts, including: Boulder Township; Bunkerville Township; Goodsprings Township; Henderson Township; Las Vegas Township; Laughlin Township; Mesquite Township; Moapa Township; Moapa Valley Township; and Searchlight Township issued Administrative Order 23-01, which orders that a set of guidelines will be used to determine eligibility of persons for a release, without […]